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Questions for ATL Queens

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Q: How did you get into Drag?
Pheonix started drag about 20 years ago. A friend of theirs convinced them to go out in drag for fun. They did theatre growing up, which is a very popular segway into drag. Competing in local drag competitions is another common way for people to get into drag on a larger scale. Pheonix is now the entertainment coordinator for the Starlight Cabaret.
Q: What are some of your favorite ATL venues?
Jungle was Kynx's favorite in ATL, but they closed down after only being able to perform there once. They currently love My Sister's Room, Mary's, and Red Light Cafe. They recommend finding drag shows by following drag perfomers, drag groups, and taking a gander on places you may have never been to!
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Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to start exploring the ATL drag scene?
Fauna says first and foremost to acknowledge the trans women of color who gave drag queens a platform. Secondly, research what type of drag you are interested in. There are so many different genres that will each rovide a unique experience. Lastly, drag is for everyone and has no limits.
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