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Hey dolls...

 Word amongst the queens is you're looking for something to do in the Big A. For an unforgettable night,  join us on the most fabulous and immersive bar crawl experience: WHERE THE DOLLS BECAME THE DOLLS; the History of Drag Bars In Atlanta. 

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Types Of Drag

There’s no denying the uniqueness of drag as a modern-day art form. With so many different styles, looks, and transformations to choose from, there are endless possibilities of how to dress up as a drag queen. As a public character, it’s up to them to decide which type of drag best suits their own personas which makes it very exciting. That said, there are certain styles out there that have stood out more than others and this article will detail some of the most popular drag queen styles used today.

1. Faux queen

A faux queen refers to a biological female who adapts the typical style of male drag queens. They’re also called a bio queen, diva queen, or a hyper queen. Similar to traditional drag queens, faux queens play gender norms and gender roles at drag shows and the like.

2. Club

A club queen is a type of drag queen that draws inspiration from the NYC club kid scenes back in the 80s/90s. They use unique make-up techniques and wear striking fashion items to slay “drag balls” with almost zero contest.

3. Androgyny/genderfuck

An androgyny/genderfuck is a drag queen that combines both masculine and feminine characteristics. Also known as anti-queens, these performers are very artistic in nature and are adept at blurring the lines between gender boundaries. They approach fashion in a sexually ambiguous manner along with their gender identity and sexual lifestyle.

4. Fish

A fish is a very feminine drag queen. They take pride in looking like a biological woman and they strive to look as close to a real female as possible. Fishes are known for being very polished and they take their drag with serious intent, almost to the point of throwing shade at the types of drag that do not represent them.

Disco Ball





We're spotlighting Drag and the first safe spaces for queens to express themselves through a unique medium of art: Drag Bars. Through a fun "bar crawl" that we came up with, we focus on the history of drag bars in Atlanta and where these famous spaces are today. We also feature some of the most famous Drag Queens from Atlanta and have them answer some questions for us.   


WHY? :

We chose to focus on the history of drag bars in Atlanta because a lot of these places that were once safe spaces for these people to be themseleves are now being torn down, replaced with restaurants and shopping centers.  With the growing LGBTQ+ community in Atlanta, we believe that it is important to keep these places alive and running. It has been one of the cornerstones of queer life and culture for decades. To lose so many valuable places that people put their lives into would be detrimental to the LGBTQ+ community. 


"Drag performance itself is a form of activism. Drag is subversive in how it disrupts heterosexual and cisgendered constructions of gender by playing on a dissonance between the gendered layers of the performer: the performer's anatomical sex, their own gender identity, and the gender they are performing or an audience. Drag questions the way gender and sex are often naturalized in relation to one another and celebrates the misalignment of these layers within an individual. " 

        - Isabel Packard 

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